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10 Tips on How to Keep Your Pets Calm During Firework Season

Fireworks can be a source of excitement for us, but for our pets, they can often be a source of fear and anxiety. As veterinary professionals, we know how distressing firework season can be for animals and their owners alike. With firework displays happening throughout the autumn and winter months, particularly around Bonfire Night, Halloween, and New Year’s Eve, it’s important to prepare in advance to help keep your pets calm and comfortable. Below are some proven strategies to help manage your pet’s anxiety during this noisy season.

1. **Create a Safe Space**
Make sure your pet has a quiet, cozy spot in your home where they can retreat when they feel scared. This could be a small room, a crate covered with blankets, or a bed tucked away in a corner. Adding familiar blankets, toys, and maybe a piece of your clothing can help provide comfort.

2. **Soundproof Your Home**
Close windows, curtains, and doors to help muffle the sounds of fireworks. Playing calming music or turning on the TV at a moderate volume can also provide a distraction from the outside noise. White noise machines can be particularly effective for reducing the intensity of sudden, loud bangs.

3. **Consider Calming Supplements or Medications**
There are a number of calming supplements (such as Serenicare, Pet Remedy, Anxitane andZylkene) and pheromone diffusers available such as Feliway and Adaptil that can help reduce anxiety in pets.  Thundershirts are also a popular product to help your pet feel safe. For more severe cases, it’s a good idea to consult with your vet about prescription medications that may help your pet stay calm during firework events.

4. **Stick to a Routine**
Pets thrive on routine, so try to keep things as normal as possible. Regular feeding times, walks, and playtime will help provide a sense of security. However, avoid walking dogs during peak firework times—early morning and late afternoon are usually safer.

5. **Stay Calm and Offer Reassurance**
Pets often take cues from their owners. If you remain calm and composed, it will help reassure your pet that there’s nothing to fear. While it’s important to offer comfort, avoid overly fussing over them as this can reinforce anxious behavior. Instead, act as if everything is normal.

6. **Desensitization Training**
In the long term, consider sound desensitization therapy. You can start by playing firework sounds at a low volume while rewarding your pet with treats or toys. Gradually increase the volume over time, allowing them to associate the noise with positive experiences. This method works best when practiced over several weeks or months.

7. **Exercise Before the Fireworks Start**
Give your pet plenty of physical and mental exercise before the fireworks begin. A tired pet is more likely to relax and be less reactive to loud noises. For dogs, a good long walk and some playtime can help. Cats may benefit from interactive toys that stimulate their hunting instincts.

8. **Ensure Proper Identification**
During firework season, there’s always a risk that pets may run off if they become scared. Make sure your pet is microchipped and that their details are up to date. Additionally, ensure they are wearing a collar with an ID tag in case they escape.

9. **Don’t Punish Your Pet for Being Anxious**
If your pet acts out of character—whether that’s by barking, whining, or hiding—be patient. Fearful behavior is a natural response to fireworks, and punishing them will only increase their anxiety.

10. **Seek Professional Help**
If your pet’s anxiety is severe and none of the above strategies seem to help, reach out to your vet. They can refer you to a veterinary behaviorist who specializes in anxiety disorders.

Final Thoughts
By preparing in advance and using the strategies above, you can help reduce the stress that firework season may bring to your pets. Every animal is different, so it’s important to tailor your approach based on your pet’s needs. Remember, the goal is to make them feel safe and secure during this potentially stressful time.

For more advice on keeping your pets calm or for any health concerns, don’t hesitate to get in touch with your vet. We’re here to help ensure your pets stay happy and healthy all year round.

By using the right techniques, you can make firework season less daunting for your beloved pets. Do you have any tried-and-true methods for keeping your animals calm during fireworks? Share your tips in the comments below!


Dr Nicola Endersby MRCVS