Dermisol Cream is used to encourage wound healing in horses, cattle, dogs and cats in cases of traumatic injury, surgical wounds, infected wounds and external ear disease.
Dermisol Cream aids healing by removing dead and dying tissue from affected areas. It contains propylene glycol, malic acid, benzoic acid and salicylic acid.
When purchasing Dermisol, you are required to provide the following information about your animal(s):
- The heaviest weight of the animal that will be treated
- If a horse, whether or not it is signed out of the food chain
By accepting our terms and conditions, you are confirming that you have used this product before, are aware of all relevant safety precautions, will use the product for an authorised use and will read all product literature
By accepting our terms and conditions, you are confirming that you have used this product before, are aware of all relevant safety precautions, will use the product for an authorised use and will read all product literature