Frequently Asked Questions
Do you have questions on how to buy medicines for your pet? Check out the commonly asked questions below! If you still can’t find the answer you are looking for please contact us at
Ordering Prescription Medicines
Three Easy Steps
- Ask your vet for a written prescription
- On, type in the name of the medicine in the search box at the top, then purchase the amount permitted on your prescription.
- Send your prescription to us via one of the below methods:
Email to
Post to Prescription Team, Cura, 4 Saxon Court, Bishop Auckland, DL!4 7UA.
Upload to the website
Look out for ‘Prescription required’ on the product page; you may need to select an option from the drop down.
Some medicines are legally classed in this way to safeguard your pet’s health and the general public. They may cause harm if used incorrectly.
You will need to ask your vet. The law changed in 2005 requiring vets to allows their clients to buy medicines from the supplier of their choice.
Most likely yes. You will have to check with your vet what their fee is for a written prescription.
Prescriptions are valid for 6 months from the date of issue. (This is not the case for controlled drugs – they are valid for only 28days. )
All medication must be purchased from the prescription before the end of the 6 months. After this time period, the prescription will become invalid.
You can request a ‘repeat prescription’ from your veterinary surgeon which will allow you to buy the specified medicines a certain number of times. Most vets are happy to provide a prescription that will allow you to purchase 6 months worth of your pets medicines.
No. But a lot of these diets are not suitable for normal, healthy animals and so should seek advice from your vet before feeding them.
Yes. Controlled drugs are controlled by other parts of the law. The differences are:
- the prescription is only valid for 28 days
- we must receive the original prescription – we cannot accept emailed, uploaded, copied or faxed scripts for legal reasons
- repeats cannot be accepted
- the prescription can only be used once
In the UK all medicines authorised for use have a ‘Summary of Product Characteristics’. We have provided links with each medicine on their individual page. If this cannot be found, medicines can be searched for on the VMD website here
You vet is obliged to provide a written prescription at your request if they are prepared to sell you the medicine themselves.
Yes they can. But only if they would require that same check up or test if they were providing the medicine themselves. The majority of vets are happy to provide written prescriptions for clients whose pets are on long term medication. Your vet will usually request however, your pet is re-examined by them every 6 months. this would be the same if they were providing the medicine themselves.
Unfortunately there are risks with taking any medication. Some of these risks are known and are indicated in the product’s SPC. Other effects may be much rarer and only seen in certain circumstances or in certain breeds. If you suspect your animal has had an adverse reaction to a veterinary medicine you can report it to us but you must also report it to the VMD here :