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Enzaprost 5mg/ml 30 ml solution for cattle and pigs


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Legal category: POM-V
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Returns It should be noted that, unfortunately, we cannot accept returns of any labelled products, including prescription medicines and flea and worming products. If the customer has requested a cancellation but the order has already been dispatched then we will not be able to cancel and refund the order. This also applies if the customer has ordered the incorrect dosage. Returns of any labelled products are only acceptable if it is due to an error in processing, or for an official recall. We are also unable to accept the returns of Caninsulin syringes, even if the packaging is unopened.

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Enzaprost is a solution for injection that is indicated for its luteolytic effects in cattle and pigs.

The indications for Enzaprost use are:


  1. Oestrus synchronisation.
  2. Treatment of sub-oestrus or silent heat in cows which have a functional corpus luteum, but do not express behavioural oestrus.
  3. Induction of abortion until day 120 of pregnancy.
  4. Induction of parturition.
  5. As an aid in the treatment of chronic metritis or pyometra where there is a functional or persistant corpus luteum.


  1.  Induction of parturition from day 111 of pregnancy.
  2.  Post partum use: reduction of the weaning to oestrus interval (WOI) and the weaning to fertile service interval (WFSI) in sows with puerperal problems such as metritis in herds with reproductive problems.
Dosage and administration of Enzaprost:

A single injection of the recommended dose of dinoprost activity is luteolytic provided a functional corpus luteum is present. Administer by intramuscular injection.

Warning: Enzaprost injection is ineffective when administered prior to day 5 after ovulation.

Purchase needles and syringes separately