The amazing Essential Plug In Diffuser from Pet Remedy works alongside the brain’s natural messengers known as neuro-transmitters, which will tell the nerve receiving the message either to calm down or get “fired up”. In times of anxiety or stress in our pets the nerves tend to get over stimulated, which will lead to many symptoms of stress.
The Essential Calming Diffuser has blends of essential oils which work alongside the natural relaxation pathways to help calm the nerves of anxious and stressed pets.
The Diffuser features include, starts to help immediately, helps calm pet with sedating, lasts up to 8 weeks, only 5 watts, so cheap to run, water based, PH neutral formulation so safe on skin and coat of pet and is developed and made in England.
Key Points
- Ideal for pets including dogs, cats, horses, rabbits, rodents and birds.
- Refill bottles available.
- Coverage up to 60m2 (650 sq ft) (Large room)
- Easy to use
- Plug in and let the de-stressing properties slow release into the surrounding area.
Signs of stress and anxiety include:
- Changes in behaviour
- Spraying/soiling indoors
- Excessive, habitual over grooming resulting in hair loss
- Lack of interaction with owner
- Loss of appetite
- Scratching at furniture
- Unexplained aggression
Stress and anxiety can be triggered by:
- A new pet arriving in the home
- Moving house
- Changes in the home, such as building work or a new baby
- Excessive noise or movement
- Fireworks
- Travel / Visit to Vets
- Changes in daily routine